
首页 > 香港 > Tender for Design and Development of Intelligent PTL Cabinets for Smart Warehouse (Ref: SM00061)

Tender for Design and Development of Intelligent PTL Cabinets for Smart Warehouse (Ref: SM00061)

发布时间 所属地区 所属机构 语言
2019年10月10日 -- -- 中文

Subject of Tender: Tender for Design and Development of Intelligent PTL Cabinets for Smart Warehouse

Tender Reference: SM00061

Closing Date: 12:00 noon, 25 October 2019


Please click here to download the following documents

1. Invitation Letter

2. Tender Specifications

3. Instructions to Tenderers

4. Tender Submission Form and Technical Proposal Form

5. Fee Proposal Form

6. Cover Sheet

7. Annex 1 - Clarification Question from Tenderer

8. Annex 2 - Confirmation Letter for Compliance with Anti-Collusion Clause

9. Annex 3 - 電子標簽設計圖

10. Annex 4 - 細化設計與製作黃金珠寶倉儲貨物櫃硬件規格和需求書


Attention: The invitation to tender shall not be altered by the Tenderer. Any modification considered necessary by the Tenderer should be the subject of a separate letter accompanying the tender. Figures should not be altered or erased; any alteration should be effected by striking through the incorrect figures and inserting the correct figures in ink above the original figures. All such amendments should be initialed by the Tenderer in ink.

